Every Door Is The Right Door
Below is a list of available in-person resources in Oceanside or online resources focused on child, and youth mental wellness. These are also published as business cards and are available free of charge to Oceanside area service providers by contacting the Network Coordinator.
First 2000 Days & Beyond
The First 2000 Days and Beyond is an Oceanside collaborative started in 2019, following a community convening which focused on food security and mental health. The long term impacts required to make an impact on upstream social determinants of health and move the needle on child wellness, requires a more collect impact approach to make a systems level change at the population level. The working groups together with Island Health developed the Nourishing the First 2000 Days initiative which is supported by the Child Wellness Action Group (Oceanside Health & Wellness Network), Building Learning Together Early Years Table, Local Action Team (LAT), and the Oceanside Community Response Committee (OCRC).
Questions? Want to be a part of the collaborative? Call 250-739-1755 or email info.ohwn@gmail.com.
A Call to Action for Service Providers
For a bigger collective impact, we invest in multi-sectoral partnerships and reflect on our internal programs and services to address three major predictors of healthy brain development in early childhood;
1. proper nutrition,
2. opportunities for early learning and
3. protection from trauma.
Priority Areas for Action: Three Components of Nurturing Care
Food Security
Promote access to nutritious, safe and culturally appropriate foods.
Prenatal/Maternal Nutrition
Support maternal nutrition during pregnancy and in early childhood.
Support breastfeeding and create supportive environments for families.
Children & Youth
Promote nutritious foods where they live, learn, work and play.
Knowledge Transfer
Obtain and share reliable and evidenced-based nutrition information. Check Health Link BC, Health Canada or Dietitians in your Health Authority.
2020 Forum - The First 2000 Days and Beyond: Tipping the Scale
Below are the video presentations and a report on the breakout discussions from the First 2000 Days and Beyond: Tipping the Scale Forum held October 29 and November 5 in the community of Oceanside.
Click here to download The First 2000 Day and Beyond Forum Report.
First 2000 Days and Beyond Community Education Series
First 2000 Days and Beyond Community Education Series
First 2000 Days and Beyond Community Education Series
Building Compassionate Leadership Systems 1
Power of Collective Impact as a Framework for the First 2000 Days and Beyond
The First 2000 Days and Beyond A community approach to trauma protection and support
Resources for Service Providers
Early Learning
Selected Web Resources
This web page serves as our collaborative communication tool for the First 2000 Days & Beyond project. Please email us any additional resources to be added here.
Early Learning Resources
Nutrition and Food Security
Food Costing in BC 2022 Report: Assessing the Affordability of Healthy Eating
Where Does Canada Stand? The Canadian Index of Child and Youth Well-Being 2019 Baseline Report
Protection from Trauma
The Harvard Centre - resources on Adverse Childhood Experiences - Excellent teaching on positive interventions and supporting healthy childhood development.
Alberta Family Wellness - offers an excellent free training series 'The Brain Story'
BC Collaborative - offers information and resources on ACEs and trauma-informed care - Child and Youth Mental Health and Substance Use (CYMHSU) Collaborative, a partnership of Doctors of BC and the B.C. Government.
The Lifelong Effects of Early Childhood Adversity and Toxic Stress
The Long and Winding Road: From Neuroscience to Policy, Program, Practice
Ted Talk: How Childhood Trauma Affects Health Across a Lifetime